When Boris Johnson or Al, or Alexander his real name, grinned while being confronted by a news reporter, well that was a clincher.
I read about his life, and not surprisingly, he led a life of entitlement, as far as he is concerned, and can do no wrong. Call it what you like, sociopath, psychopath, narcissist, its all seriously bad, and all function as ten year olds, hence his denial of doing anything wrong when caught by daddy, or in this case, the British people.

It shows that politics is the home of the least mentally healthy, just look at former prime ministers, conservative and labour. Theresa May, David Cameron, Gordon Brown, Blair....for gods sake. The list is endless, and more recently on the Labour side, the nutter of all time, Corbyn.

It does show that a moral, ethical politician has no chance. And in international politics, its their psychos against ours. Any Russian babushkas sitting down with a british babushka would solve everything over a tea or a vodka in two minutes.

Anyway, United are up against teams around themselves or lower for a while. Imagine losing those........big grin there. Come on you Imps.