Toes of Dennis Waterman (Up The Junction, The Sweeney, Minder) now turned up. Aged 74.

Immortalised in Dons history where, after some sort of midweek mauling of one of the Jute lot, pints were being taken in a harbour-front bar, a good distance from the Jute railway station. The telly was on in the grog shop, and just as the fourth or fifth round of pints was being delivered, one of the trusties said, “If we hear the theme tune of Minder, we’re ****ed for catching the fitba special hame”. At that point, I Could Be So Good For You kicked into life (sorry, Tez), pints were sunk, and a sprint with bellies sloshing with draught ale commenced. Success, and we got out of that ****ing ****ehole. Liz McColgan couldn’t have caught us that night.