Frank, you’re being pedantic but I’ll play along. You won’t answer questions until yours are dealt with so this should allow you to answer all of mine.

You started this thread by asking a question: “what would you do?” I answered it.

I answered all your questions in post 18 on post 19.

You didn’t ask any questions in posts 23 or 25.

You asked 3 questions in post 28;
1 If this bloke is guilty, does that mean the whole Tory party are like it.?
That was about the nipple-licker. No it doesn’t but there are already a higher proportion of Tory MPs and former MPs involved in ***ual scandals than in the general population. I read that in the Times

2 Does it also mean that Labour people are not deviants or break rules??
No it doesn’t, but there are seemingly far fewer of them.

3 As you are an atheist, you wont have read the bible. In it, it states that he who has not sinned can cast the first stone. Is that you?
I have probably sinned so far as the bible is concerned, but not to the extent that I have broken laws or done anything immoralany that would put me on the front page of the Daily Mail. That means that I have the moral authority to criticise others who have.

You asked a question in post 30 which I answered.

In post 33 you asked two more;
Could it be that the Tories can be right about an issue, but the answer doesnt conform to socialist dogma? The answer is yes. So what else are you wrong about?
You’re right for the first part, but I’m sure that the worst serial killers loved their mothers - you can see an iota of good in something inherently evil. Interesting that you mentioned a single issue and you were correct to do so. As they say, a broken clock is right twice a day.

Can you measure how mad you are?
I can’t but I’m sure a psychiatrist could try.