Yes, thats me the educated one. And because im educated, and your not, well not in the way you should be, i am going to help you.

Im sure that if i was into tattoos, drug taking, cheap fags, the smoking type and the othor type, id come here.

Anyway, enough of my natural and obvious superiority, i am imparting something of importance, there will be no need to thank me, or be grateful for lengthening your lives. Crikey, ive realised what im doing. Do i really want to do that? Apart from 6eq im not sure.

Sauerkraut is more important than you think. Firstly, its cabbage, no not Carlisle people, in that case the word would be cabbages, not cabbage.
Cabbage is filled with goodness, just eating it is good. Sauerkraut is fermented cabbage. What this means is that its a pre biotic, its filled with good bacteria. Its said all illnesses, even cancer start in the gut.

Sauerkraut will kill bad stuff.

Its more complicated than that though. Pasteurised sauerkraut is dead, its heat kills the good stuff. You need to buy unpasteurised, you can get it on the internet. There is a deli near me, it has vast amounts of sauerkraut, but not unpasteurised.

Secondly, i presume you are all older, the older you get, the body has trouble absorbing vitamin d. This is a serious problem. Especially in carlisle where the sun never shines, the best way to get it is through sunlight.

As you dont get the sun you need a supplement of 4,000 iu of vitamin d. IU stands for international units, daily.

If you dont believe any of this then look it up on the internet.

It has taken me a while to type this, for your benefit. So i am charging griff ten pounds. O, thats the predicto comp paid for from last year.