As the war drags on Russian forces continue to make progress -albeit slowly- across eastern and southern Ukraine and Putin ramps up attacks on Kyiv. Just hope that the growing economic problems that the West now faces don't distract from continuing to supply the higher capability weapons that Zelensky is asking for.

Putin will be happy to go on as he is despite the heavy losses because he is winning by attrition and the longer the war goes on the better in some ways for him as he will hope a kind of fatigue for it will set in and Western unity over the matter will begin to crumble. Tbh, I think the sooner Russian forces can be given a "bloody nose" the better but Zelensky needs to weaponry that is able to achieve this. Putin can sabre rattle and threaten as much as he likes but he only tends to do this when he is worried - and he doesn't seem worried enough at the moment.

Ultimately, Putin still needs to be stopped as his actions are having severe repercussions for Ukraine itself and beyond, whether that be the threat to stability in Europe or contributing to a global food shortage.