Hey guys, it is nae secret that Ah tend tae be up later than maist o' you guys ... maistly due tae the fact that work in music tends tae go on late .... ither times it's insomnia, and on occasion, the home made wine.

The fact Ah dinna piss mair folk aff mair often is somethin' tae be thankful for, and often doon tae luck!

But .... Ah've found a new outlet for ma halfwitted, 5hit o'clock in the mornin ramblins. It appears that the Celtic Mad board is 'dead' but still kinda livin ... livin dead if ye like. ... and masel and a certain Mr 'Teddy Bear' are the only acive members keepin' it's v!tal signs v!tal an' significant.

.... Maybe some o' ye like the ****e Ah come awa wi in the wee dark hours, if so ... ye ken far tae look .... and if Ah go MIA soon, it'll be cos Ah'm banned ... but nae cos o' onythin' Ah post here ... win/win I say