and business. Seems to me that the profits being made by the energy suppliers are being made because there has been little increase in the cost of production. This forum has guys who know the nuts and bolts of energy production and I hope that they might have some calming thoughts.
The Suez crisis lead to petrol rationing and people didn't use their cars, if they had them. The miners strike in the 70's led to 3 day week and a major shift in energy supplies.I think we are being panicked by a Mainstream TV service that mistakenly believes that by showing evermore graphic tales of personal dismay at price rises, and contrasting this with the profligate payments to the energy industry they are actually helping.
My view is that they are wrong. Demonising politicians, who are the only people, I think, can curb or change the systems we have for selling energy, will do nothing to help us.