Since we are all just waiting until October to decide whether this season is a bust or not.

As an exile I have recently got a working arrangement where I can split my time abroad and back in Dundee. Tbh I love Dundee so just wanting to know what you all think are the best things about the city outside of our great club.

For me:

The people, Dundonians are what they are in the best possible way.

The location, everything you could ever want and all that Scotland has to offer is within an hour or so.

J+Ls Tasty Delights steak and gravy pie. Best pie bar none (I can't say peh anymore because my bast@rdised accent). Gidi grill and Boat Brae depending on the occasion.

The ferry - to keep our Dee friends happy

The pubs - so many great boozers to choose from, little shout out to the athletic bar for being the cheapest whisky bar anywhere. Mennies, the fisherman's and also Draffens from the more pretentious contemporary bunch.

The Rep and to a lesser extent McManus, DCA, V+A all great for the city.

What about everyone else? First one to say Templeton woods is outed as Butcher.