I’ve always been one to turn it up and down in winter and usually off when I go to bed.

I’ve tried a new strategy this winter and I’ve just left it on a low setting constantly and it seems to keep the place at a nice ambient temperature all of the time.

Our downstairs is mainly heated by underfloor heat off our gas central heating and not having to heat up from cold all the time certainly seems better.

I’ll wager that I save money this year by not having to turn it up to the max just to get some warmth going.

I’m also using the two log burners we have in downstairs rooms a bit more on colder evenings.

I’m lucky in that due to the amount of renovation done at my house before and since I bought it that I have enough wood stored to get me through the past 5 winters and the next 5 I would estimate.

Amazing how much heat a log burner gives off even a couple of hours after the fire has died down.

Apparently it’s almost impossible to buy a log burner at present due to demand.

Greenhouse gases are an issue but if you want a cheaply heated and cosy living room you can’t beat them.

Central heating though, a low constant 24 hour output seems to be good policy.