..... to anybody and everybody who manages to get a golden ticket to willy wonka's chocolate factory. Also to those even more lucky, who manage to get Wembley tickets.

I knew the risk 4 yrs ago when Ashley finally beat me, and nobody is more delighted than me at how this season is going.

I was happy to just trudge into town on Feb 26th and take in the city centre cup final atmosphere, but my 20 yr old lad wants to go to Wembley, with or without a ticket.
( he is autistic and his reasoning with me males 100% sense)

We gave up our tickets so this COULD happen, so we are not missing out .

2 nights hotel booked and we are going to proudly travel down, ticket free and enjoy the weekend with everybody else, before finding a pub that will allow us to watch the game.

Howay the lads!