Quote Originally Posted by islaydarkblue View Post
Several days ago I had a discussion with a Dundee supporter about the new stadium development on a Dundee FC supporters Facebook site.
This supporter told me that Dundee FC would receive all the income from the new stadium which would include the restaurants and bars while the income from the other sites would repay the cost of the loans to build the new stadium development.
I asked this poster what the new stadium development was going to cost.
He replied that he did not know.
I told him that the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce published details of their investigation into the cost of the new Aberdeen FC stadium close to the beach and included in the report it stated that the estimated cost of the new stadium development at the Camperdown retail park (Campy Nou) in Dundee was in the region of £140 million.
That was the end of our conversation as the Dundee supporter never replied.
This is what we are up against.
Dundee supporters who believe everything that Nelms says and are following him like the Pied Piper.
Over a year ago it was stated that the new stadium which Dundee Football Club were building was going to cost between £40 million - £50 million to build. Now Nelms states that the cost of building the new stadium has increased by £10 million but he cannot tell us what the new estimated cost will be.
Is there no alternative attitude that could be constructive? For as long as this project has been promoted there has been almost 100% posts that say this isn't going to happen. What about trying to bring in new investors? What about ground sharing at Dens and redevelopment at Dens?

There must be guys who are Dees who know about project management and finance for projects like this? For example a repayable 25 year mortgage for £40m might cost £3m a year. What kind of additional activities relating to a football pitch could generate the additional income to pay back thr mortgage. As a guide £3m could be generated by an additional 10k of fans paying £300 for their ST. It seem unlikely unless the team actually plays in Europe on a regular basis. Maybe it isn't a pipedream?