By way of trying to achieve closure on this difference of view, I think TTR is correct in identifying economy/health/immigration are the three biggest issues at the next election.

Whether these represent any one individual's specific issues is a different matter. rA clearly doesn't think immigration is a key, TTR does. Based on the think-tank observations young labour voters align with rA, older conservative/brexiteer voters align with TTR. Is it ever thus.

No one is right or wrong. In any election different interest groups will back different policies. Non smokers will back increased tax on fags, smokers don't. Pacifists will not back increased defence spending; environmentalists have their priorities etc etc

Everyone has their own personal perspective on these issues. Thus all are important and potentially vote impacting. A real key issue would be one that made a "young labour" voter and an "old Tory" voter come together, or switch to a new stance. It's just like the majority of constituency outcomes. The pig in a blue scarf will win in Reigate, a pig in a red scarf will win in Hackney. Policies by and large don't matter in these "rotten boroughs".

Look at your marginals to see which issue matters, not across the country. If you want to see if boater immigration is a big issue, ask the people in Kent, Sus*** etc who are on the front line, not the electorate in say Liverpool or Melton Mowbray where the impact is less felt. It's easy to say "I don't care" if it doesn't impact your life

Closures of pits didn't effect me as an accountant in the south, but had devastating impacts on those (largely) northern communities involved.

Pretending that issues that clearly influence a lot of people simply don't exist, just because you cannot align with them is foolhardy. Leaving them to fester is even more so.