Quote Originally Posted by Norder View Post

for sure Exile....has been around for ages - but was never merely about some cigar breathed mogul getting his rocks off with a young aspiring actress/actor - more so their willingness to do anything to reach the spotlight - all signed and sealed from that moment...to continue throughout the whole of their career - where they could perhaps be called upon to make some surreptitious propoganda movie, throw their support behind a presidential candidate etc etc.....is all part of the game - and doesn't matter to them - the point means nothing....they work on illusion, fiction....and are always acting - so are the perfect tool for helping to twist reality/truth - into Lies.
"so are the perfect tool for helping to twist reality/truth-into Lies."

Cheers Norder, suddenly everything is clear, I always wondered why 99% of them were lefties.