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Thread: AH Live On BBC News Now [Link to view in thread]

  1. #71
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Reading the judgement people have expressed in the last 24 hours - talk about not seeing the log of wood in your own eyes and all that! It's a relief to hear (some) people taking a more balanced and humane response. In all likelihood it's not gonna be black and white. Neither a super baddy or a super goody. Most people do their best in my experience. The evidence for me that he is far more worthy of respect than people give him credit is that unlike a lot of public figures he has held his hand up regarding making mistakes and I think his intentions were good. He also said from day one that he was learning from others. Either way - whether our current plight is down to him a lot, not at all or somewhere in-between (realistic answer) since when is slagging people off alright?

  2. #72
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by matt5cott View Post
    He's human and made a big mistake. fair play to him for taking responsibility for his actions.
    But will he learn? Will he actually ever listen to those who give him good advice? He only gives positive responses to "Yes men" and any criticism is met with a retort if anything at all.

    Anyone who thinks Twitter is like sitting in a pub with a few mates (in the bath? willy out?) has to be deluded. Twitter is out in the big wide world It's bigger than the Old Market Square, it's bigger than Trafalgar Square or even Tiananmen Square. It's really really big and full of weird folk. I mean this board is full of weird folk but at least we have some idea of who we are. He's been warned over and over again and doesn't listen. I wonder what advice he's ignored about running a football club and with dealing with managers, undermining them with comments about players. Fair play if he changes his ways otherwise he'll just have to take what comes. My money is on him being back on Twitter and claiming some sort of limelight whatever our fate.

  3. #73
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Good to see the vast majority of comments on here.

    Last night and today have been the most disappointing days of my Notts supporting time (nearly 50 years). I was thinking back to the press conference when AH took over. Both he and KN looked really well, up for the fight and everything seemed really positive. I think AH has done his best for NCFC, and has put so much money in. He's human and has made many mistakes, especially twitter. But I think he's genuinely hurting regarding the position we're in, and not just because of the money. So many broken dreams.

    It's wrong to kick someone when they are down (in fact at any time). Really hope he comes through it well.

  4. #74

  5. #75
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Emperorstag View Post

    Let’s Have A Thread About Nottm County

    Postby EdwinstoweStag » Sat Aug 11, 2018 5:51 pm
    ‘Cos I’m sick of the cheats thread.

    And anyway, it’s more relevant to us.

    Great result today. Well done Cambridge United!


    I don't find this tough at all, or have any sympathy for them.

    They're a horrible, cocky, smug football club that went bust, more than once already, but like many others they bent the rules and got a free chance to start over, debt free and with little or no penalties.

    I really hope they go down. To see our two rivals playing non league after being oh so cocky in recent years is just so funny. Especially given the steps forward we've taken this season and how, after running at a loss initially, our owners are now doing things the right way and creating a stable, sustainable club.
    Last edited by Bohinen; 28-01-2019 at 09:37 PM.

  6. #76
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by nw6pie View Post
    I think the best thing AH could do on Saturday is stay away and make it a bit less of a media circus (circus being the operative word - if we ever move ground, we may as well play in a big top).
    I agree, the Lincoln fans I'm sure will have a few embarrassing songs for him. Best to keep away for this one.

  7. #77
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    O to go back to the days when life was simple,me in the "kids pen' with my rattle and throwing sweets to Gordon or George with games that finished at 4.40pm and the Football Post out by as close to 5.00pm as possible,in your life you have the "best of times" the "worst of times"

    No prize for guessing where we are now........

  8. #78
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Yes I too give him credit for standing in front of the camera to apologise that must have been hard but he's brought all this on himself, he made his bed so to speak. Hardy is the chairman of a football club and wants to have banter with Mansfield and Forest fans in the pub with his mates (who are now blocked on twitter) just sounds pathetic to me. Invested £10m? So how much does he want to sell up, the club will not be worth half a million in its current state, this is a major worry. Will he cut and run, the least he can do is write off the debt if indeed he can afford to do it as I cannot see ANY investor taking us on in our position.

  9. #79
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Emperorstag View Post
    After watching bbcemt tonight it's clear Mr Hardy is suffering it wasn't nice to see actually ..he looks quite unwell, he's human and he's admitted he made a mistake... for his sake and his family it's time everyone gave him a break and left him be. Some of your fans berating him on twitter beggers belief.
    Looks like he's about to crack, or has cracked....pretty unpleasant to watch, regardless of what he's done, and he hasn't done anything other than humiliate himself and his family. Quite a few on the Stag board seem to have recognised that too and backed off. At the end of the day, regardless of what league we're in next year, life will go on.

  10. #80
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by ForeignLegion View Post
    Looks like he's about to crack, or has cracked....pretty unpleasant to watch, regardless of what he's done, and he hasn't done anything other than humiliate himself and his family. Quite a few on the Stag board seem to have recognised that too and backed off. At the end of the day, regardless of what league we're in next year, life will go on.
    He looks absolutely ruined in that video. I dont think it will stop the Lincoln and Mansfailed fans giving him a complete slaughtering but you have to worry for his mental health if anything. He is best away from Football. Pleased to see he has closed his Twitter account and just a shame he did not stick to his guns last time he had a "twitter break". He does seem to be someone who likes to learn the hard way. I hope he moves on and that the club is placed in good hands, regardless of what happens this season it is the best for all concerned.

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