Quote Originally Posted by ragingpup View Post
Isn't he just saying that in the early part of the season, as the team forms and faces different formations, that we seem to do well against ST and not well against UT. And therefore the obvious continuation that I think is too obvious for him to need to say it, is that we have to adjust the team going forward to perform better in adapting between ST and UT. I don't think he's concluding that this state of affairs is simply being accepted by him and will remain that way so teams can all play unstructured and roll us over.

Surely he's just pointing out an emerging problem that he has to now deal with. You seem to present it as if he's saying that's all we can do and he's accepted that we're stuck with it!
You could be right, I am just saying it as I see it, it is just an opinion. At the moment our away performances are absolutely the worst we have seen over a few games in a long time. A lot on here are banking on the home form as I have already printed out, that is still only 31 points as we have taken 4 points from 3 games which is 1.33/game multiply that out and you get 31 points. So we have to improve massively to survive. What are few are asking is what have the happy gang seen that we haven’t to make you believe that will happen?