

50 points plus a bonus of 50 points is added if only one person predicts the EXACT SCORE.

20 points plus a bonus of 20 points is added if only one person predicts the CORRECT RESULT.

50 points given for the EXACT SCORE. If more than one person predicts the EXACT SCORE then a 20 point bonus is added to the person with the fewest points in the Prediction League in order to maintain competitiveness.

20 points for the CORRECT RESULT (e.g. score is 2-2 and you predict 1-1). If more than one person predicts the CORRECT RESULT then a 10 point bonus is added to the person with the fewest points in the Prediction League in order to maintain competitiveness

Bonus points are ONLY awarded for WBA fixtures.

Bonus points are only given to those who have points on the table - also that person must have made a prediction on the previous fixture.

If there is a tie for 1st in the League at seasons end then the person with the most points earned from predicting the WBA fixtures ONLY is deemed the winner. If that doesn't decide the winner then the title is shared.

Predictions must be made before kick off. Any later then your prediction may not be registered.


An Extra fixture from the Premiership is featured once per month, This is the MONTHLY DOUBLE

Extra fixtures will be featured over the busy Christmas and New Year period.

Whenever WBA have a match in midweek an extra fixture will be included. This fixture will feature a game that is NOT in the Premiership whenever possible. This is the MIDWEEK DOUBLE

An extra fixture will also feature whenever WBA are in involved in a Cup game wherever possible. This is the CUP DOUBLE.