Following a labour mp mouthing f off to the speaker in the house of commons, it does bring to mind the status of Labour mps in general.

To me they feel uneducated, coarse, vulgar, unshaved, tattooed, manipulative, lying, racist, criminal, ( ex peterboro mp), have an inability to command the english language, obstructive for the sake of it, dishevelled, badly dressed, uninformed, ignorant, reactionary, dumb, abusive, violent in manner, loud, rebellious over everything, meaningless, and pointless.

The last Labour MP who was presentable was that Milliband chap who stuck his brother in the back, and he was obviously inadequate, you can dress up a peasant, but you cant hide his hick side.

All we hear at the dispatch box is blather, hate, criticism, lies, a disgusting froth designed to poison all, even its own kind. This organisation has lost its way, lost its soul, it eats itself