Quote Originally Posted by Mason89 View Post
This is an easy one.

He’s a f*cking idiot. Fans that support him are f*cking idiots too

The end.
^^^ Bingo ^^^

That gype has been a f’uckin disaster.

Years and years of almost singularly unadulterated pish fitba from 1995 (with some minor exceptions) almost wholly down to his incompetence as he’s been chairman since 98.

I actually get annoyed whenever he opens his stupid f’uckin mouth on anything AFC related as it’s invariably s’hite he spouts.

The day he goes will be one of much rejoicing in the moog household - can’t come soon enough.

You look at the genuine affection and sadness when the Leicester chairman died - think anything like that would happen here? Not a chance.

Just to be clear - I’m nae a fan...