The team that was winning and done so well till January has been changed a little bit in recent times abs we haven't got back to playing our best xi regular yet

Stanton gone who was in the a lot and a good option

Clarke injured

McMullan not yet back on form since his injury, not even used tonight

Harkes not back to his form yet, imo partly down the fact him and Butcher work so well as a pair and Powers had been put straight in there and it isn't working as a three (whereas the three worked on occasion whet it was Stanton the third one)

Powers has been put in as I said and for me has not strengthened the first xi from pre January, early days but just a bit meh and slow so not sure it's a great signing for the prem where its quicker overall and it's broken our best cmpairing up

CB was just fine with Watson and Reynolds, for various reasons we have since seen Watson/Connolly (on the plastic at queen's) and Connolly/Reynolds since (Watson has a niggle?)

Robson not found the same form since his return

These last three things (Powers, Robson and the CB's changing) have seen us look weaker at the back recently

Disappointing that when we had the chance to test ourselves against a decent Prem side we weren't in the best shape when the time came to play them

However still lots to be positive about going forward but do think we need to get back to what was working for the run in and we can't let our levels out application drop