Are these two so called professionals stupid or what? Walker is now the 2nd high profile footballer to be breaking the rules by socialising in the government lockdown. We’d all like to be out and about , mixing with friends and relatives, going to parties and other social events, but right now , we cannot do these things we take for granted. Unfortunately, these two idiots have taken the law into their own hands and think they are exempt from the current situation. They are not intelligent enough to see that they are putting themselves at great risk, but a lot of others at the same time, possibly taking up valuable time of NHS workers , who have much more important things to do, when the Corona Virus death rate is going up and up.
Words fail me, there are no words to describe the behaviour of these two prima donnas, who think ,that by apologising, everything will be ok.It won’t be ok until fools like these two and others start doing what we are instructed to do, to overcome this horrible position everyone is in at the moment. Lock the pair of them up, and throw away the key.