Quote Originally Posted by great_fire View Post
But why do you assume that BLM is about "equality"?

Doesn't their "black power" fist on their logo say otherwise?

Isn't it about replacing "white supremacy" with "black supremacy"?

As well as dismantling capitalism, abolishing the police and closing all the prisons as outlined in their manifesto.
I can tell you, as a white person that supports black lives matter, that absolutely 100% no, it is not about black supremacy.

Nor have I met a single person for whom that's what its about.

Does that mean there aren't black supremacists? Of of course not. In any large groups you get small numbers of people who believe all sorts of things.

Some resources pointing the finger at 'capitalism' probably isn't the most helpful. The problem is it's not a neatly organised grouping with a clearly defined leadership and message. But the overall movement is about equality.