Quote Originally Posted by islaydarkblue View Post
Nicola is not happy because BBC1 Scotland and the new BBC Scotland channel are no longer televising Nicola’s daily press conference live at 12.15pm.
The press conference will still be broadcast live on the BBC website.
Nicola has complained that not everyone has online access and some people do not like watching programmes being streamed live on their computer.
If Nicola had said that she is very disappointed that she is no longer in the public eye every day people would have accepted her complaint. The BBC Scotland viewers are fed up listening to her waffling because she has nothing different to tell them. Her sidekick Jason appears to have dropped a clanger during yesterday’s press conference as Nippy spent a bit of time during today’s press conference trying to explain where he went wrong and trying to dig him out of a hole.
The dentist knows the score , the tests are a bit rubbish..!!! Comedy gold wee Nic will be raging...!!!