Was what Bruce was saying post match interview last night and that we all basically should know this and need to accept it. In all honesty I didn't know this was the objective. I genuinely thought a team who can spend £40 mill on a striker and sign the likes of Miggy, Fraser and Wilson would be aiming slightly higher. Daft of me I know but I really did. I stuck up for Bruce a lot last year as I think everyone deserves a chance but this year I just can't and it's comments like this I really can't fu(king handle. He also said it's been like it for the last 2-3 years, it's been a hell of a lot longer like but how is even 2-3 years acceptable? We have pundits saying how we should be happy with were we are and what we've got. Get fu(Ked, your telling me if any of there teams Prime objective 3 years ago would be to stay in the Prem. Then 3 years later there Prime objective is still the same they would be happy? Would they Fu(k nobody would be. What's the point of even supporting a team with that objective every year? In my opinion that staying in the league objective should lie with the newly promoted teams and two or three others. Not us.