I said people with the vaccine can still get it and pass it on all along. The vaccine turns it into like a Flu cold.
85 % of people dying here are unvaccinated. The rest have not yet gotten the booster shot.
We now have 1 covid infected person in my town Hospital, brought in from the big city as there are not enough beds and they cant look after them.
And I'm not worried about myself I'm mostly dead anyway it's all the innocent lives lost. The guy I talked about was scared to get vaccinated and was putting it off. He finally booked it due to the pressure from family but didn't even make it for the first dose.
I said it before but Australia has the highest covid death rate per Population wise in the world. And we have idiots running around the streets protesting and spreading the virus.
As for respecting people's wishes, I'm all for it as long as they respect the laws brought out for the willing it is as simple as that.