Quote Originally Posted by BCram View Post
Very interesting question. I didn't think that there was a moral question involved. It seemed to me that being vaccinated etc was the right thing to do to help society. If you didn't want to do that then the right thing to do would be to deny yourself access to the venues that chose to accept and apply the regulations that society had agreed.
There is a very serious point being made that Omicron is not as dangerous as it is being portayed in the MSM and medical experts. The allegations are that there are people in charge who are making a crisis out of this so that they can retain control.
I think that is completely wrong and have said so on this forum. You will remember that my comments were echoed by Andrew Neil who wrote what I thought was a well argued case for the argument.
Couldn't disagree more.

Society hasn't agreed, sturgeon and authoritarian Govts have imposed and frightened people have bent over and took it.

Well not let venues decide if they want to be a COVID vacc passport venue or non COVID Vax?....I know which I would go to.

What scares the living **** out of me is you are a rational, civilised and articulate poster but want to accept and are actively encouraging this segregation.......forcing the young who have absolutely no need to be vaccinated to protect the elderly and at risk and it doesn't actually protect them

And I'll reiterate I'm vaccinated and at risk but I'd never ever expect anyone to change their life to accommodate me

The hypocrisy is staggering

It's the fearful who should be changing their life habits and weighing up their own individual risk not those who want to live.

Let's lock everyone up over say 65 to protect the NHS, alternatively let's send them all to Switzerland for a wee Jag on their 80th birthday ....ridiculous yes....but not unimaginable now.

Do you not realise how dangerous a path this is?