Quote Originally Posted by WBA1955 View Post
It's a Conservative government. What were you all expecting?
Exactly. I think Truss is an awful choice - but then I'm not a member of the Conservative Party so can have zero influence on that. It should, however, come as no surprise as to what she is doing as she clearly signposted her beliefs and intentions throughout her campaign so : no windfall taxes on those energy companies continuing to make huge profits, a proposed removal of the ceiling that bankers (bless em) can earn in bonuses, no "handouts", no detail in explaining exactly how increasing the country's debt so massively will be managed, no "redistribution" of wealth, more nice sounding targets for the nhs but no real detail as to how these will be enabled, lots of promises about growth but still little detail on how small businesses particularly will be helped to achieve that. The list goes on. About the only thing I agree with her on is her stance on Ukraine. There will be many Tories no doubt who will worry about the impact of all this on their chances at the next election but in the meantime our Maggie wannabe will press on regardless.