What do you think of the proposed law changes being voted on that will effectively make it a lifelong smoking ban for anyone in the UK?

I have never smoked and I lost my dad to a ruptured aorta before he got to 68 years old, smoking was responsible according to his surgeon, he’d already had a quadruple heart bypass due to smoking.

I’ve always hated smoking and I’m dismayed that two of my three adult children smoke but I don’t believe this proposed law change is a good idea.

Surely we’ve learned enough from drugs abuse to know that the more you make things illegal the more you introduce a black market and criminality!?

I’m more in the camp of de criminalising drugs, even harder drugs and allowing controlled use and even taxing it.

So many more important issues than this for me.

Once you are 18 and legally an adult you should be allowed to make grown up decisions even if those decisions wreck your own body.