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Thread: Smoking ban?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Smoking ban?

    What do you think of the proposed law changes being voted on that will effectively make it a lifelong smoking ban for anyone in the UK?

    I have never smoked and I lost my dad to a ruptured aorta before he got to 68 years old, smoking was responsible according to his surgeon, he’d already had a quadruple heart bypass due to smoking.

    I’ve always hated smoking and I’m dismayed that two of my three adult children smoke but I don’t believe this proposed law change is a good idea.

    Surely we’ve learned enough from drugs abuse to know that the more you make things illegal the more you introduce a black market and criminality!?

    I’m more in the camp of de criminalising drugs, even harder drugs and allowing controlled use and even taxing it.

    So many more important issues than this for me.

    Once you are 18 and legally an adult you should be allowed to make grown up decisions even if those decisions wreck your own body.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by mickd1961 View Post
    What do you think of the proposed law changes being voted on that will effectively make it a lifelong smoking ban for anyone in the UK?

    I have never smoked and I lost my dad to a ruptured aorta before he got to 68 years old, smoking was responsible according to his surgeon, he’d already had a quadruple heart bypass due to smoking.

    I’ve always hated smoking and I’m dismayed that two of my three adult children smoke but I don’t believe this proposed law change is a good idea.

    Surely we’ve learned enough from drugs abuse to know that the more you make things illegal the more you introduce a black market and criminality!?

    I’m more in the camp of de criminalising drugs, even harder drugs and allowing controlled use and even taxing it.

    So many more important issues than this for me.

    Once you are 18 and legally an adult you should be allowed to make grown up decisions even if those decisions wreck your own body.
    Agree with a lot of what you have said. The financial cost to the NHS and the dangers of smoking are well known but apart from the issue of whether being able to enforce such a ban is even possible, I think your other arguments make sense.

    A legal ban may have some impact but it won't stop it and, perhaps more importantly, introducing such a ban is a slippery slope in that you are taking away an adult's right to make decisions for themselves. Obviously any society needs laws to protect its individuals and so no-one has a right to simply behave as they wish (e.g. harm, kill others) and some laws are there to protect individuals from themselves (e.g. the wearing of seat belts) but the latter especially is tricky as the law should surely always also be mindful of the freedom of individuals to make their own decisions based on their own risk assessments -though this is where education on the subject comes in.

    If we introduce a ban like this on smoking, what next? fizzy drinks, crisps, take- aways, alcohol? Obesity and alcoholism also present a hefty burden on our health service and impact lives. Surely better education and restrictions on sales that may at least encourage moderation are a better way forward?

  3. #3
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    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Omegstrat6 View Post
    Agree with a lot of what you have said. The financial cost to the NHS and the dangers of smoking are well known but apart from the issue of whether being able to enforce such a ban is even possible, I think your other arguments make sense.

    A legal ban may have some impact but it won't stop it and, perhaps more importantly, introducing such a ban is a slippery slope in that you are taking away an adult's right to make decisions for themselves. Obviously any society needs laws to protect its individuals and so no-one has a right to simply behave as they wish (e.g. harm, kill others) and some laws are there to protect individuals from themselves (e.g. the wearing of seat belts) but the latter especially is tricky as the law should surely always also be mindful of the freedom of individuals to make their own decisions based on their own risk assessments -though this is where education on the subject comes in.

    If we introduce a ban like this on smoking, what next? fizzy drinks, crisps, take- aways, alcohol? Obesity and alcoholism also present a hefty burden on our health service and impact lives. Surely better education and restrictions on sales that may at least encourage moderation are a better way forward?
    We might as well ban alcohol seeing as how much damage it does across society and gambling as well.

    I only pray they don’t ban w a n k I n g!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by mickd1961 View Post
    We might as well ban alcohol seeing as how much damage it does across society and gambling as well.

    I only pray they don’t ban w a n k I n g!

    If i had a vote in this I would vote for a ban, however I do worry that civil liberties are being significantly eroded. It’s a tough one as clearly smoking tobacco is a bad thing.

  5. #5
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    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by mickd1961 View Post
    We might as well ban alcohol seeing as how much damage it does across society and gambling as well.

    I only pray they don’t ban w a n k I n g!
    “I only pray they don’t ban w a n k I n g!”
    All part of Zero emissions Mick 😂

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by boingy View Post
    “I only pray they don’t ban w a n k I n g!”
    All part of Zero emissions Mick 😂
    And can you imagine the headlines? "Government to create new Police anti-****ing task force"😂 Wonder what kind of recruits they would attract? Mary Whitehouse types perhaps? ****ers to catch ****ers?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Omegstrat6 View Post
    And can you imagine the headlines? "Government to create new Police anti-****ing task force"😂 Wonder what kind of recruits they would attract? Mary Whitehouse types perhaps? ****ers to catch ****ers?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    People should be allowed to choose their own path. That said accountability should come into play - any proven smoking medical needs should be paid for by the smoker. Likewise if somebody comes into A and E with alcoholic issues or poisoning then they should pay for treatment. If a child throws a brick through a window then the parents should be accountable and pay.

    Hate drugs with a vengeance. See the news yesterday:

    Saleem Chaudhri, 46, was jailed for 27-and-a-half years at Preston Crown Court on Friday after admitting to conspiring to supply cocaine and money laundering, a police spokesperson said.

    Rieddul Mohabath, 28, was sentenced to 16 years on Monday after pleading guilty to conspiracy to supply cocaine.

    I thought a lot of these folk wanted Sharia Law. I would personally hang these two or ensure they swallow enough coke so they die a slow death!

  9. #9
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    Jul 2011
    Just a thought. If you go back far enough and look at why tobacco was imported into Britain from Virginia there's a very strong argument to suggest it wasn't done with the ongoing health of the nation in mind.

  10. #10
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    Apr 2011
    “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.“
    CS Lewis

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