Over 50,000 deaths now (probably over 60,000 in reality) in the last nine months. And still the worst three months of the year to come for this type of virus. We could be near 100,000 deaths in a calendar year by March.
For those of you who claim that the figures are not unusual in a normal year, please show me a year when the deaths from flu approached these levels.

The pandemic has resulted in an unparalleled worldwide response in trying to find a vaccine. I am not surprised in the least that the "experts" have delivered the goods, and I am more than confident that if it gets the green light then it will be safe.

Given the scale and nastiness of the virus I will certainly take it, but it will be up to each individual whether they have it. I read somewhere that 25% of the population won't take it. this may reduce when it finally gets a clean bill of health.

But there will still be a group of people who will refuse. Their choice. If they calculate that the odds of a serious side effect are greater that getting covid then I won't try to convince them. If they won't listen to the "experts" what chance does a bloke on the internet have? Trouble is, they are getting their info from other blokes on the internet to make their decision.