Sort of gone quiet even jokey

Could it be because

The spread of Covid in London is "out of control" according to Sadiq Khan, who has declared a "major incident".
The coronavirus infection rate in London has exceeded 1,000 per 100,000 people, based on the latest figures from Public Health England.
However, the Office for National Statistics recently estimated as many as 1 in 30 Londoners has coronavirus.
Mr Khan told BBC political reporter Karl Mercer that the figure is as high as 1 in 20 in some parts of London.

Or this

A further 1,325 people have died in the UK within 28 days of a positive Covid test - the biggest figure reported on a single day since the pandemic began.
It means there have been just short of 80,000 deaths by that measure
- as another 68,053 new cases were recorded.
Public Health England (PHE) said the number of deaths would "continue to rise until we stop the spread".
It comes as the government launches a new campaign in England urging people to "act like you've got" the virus.

So is this still a SAGE / Government ploy and PHE stats are rubbish.

Still waiting to hear if Sinkovs alternative stats agree.