Quote Originally Posted by PedroTheFisherman66 View Post
with what's gone on recently I'm not sure what you can class as abuse or fair criticism.
from what I can remember seeing posted, the worst comment I really believe was his legs have gone.im not sure if that was in reference to him as an individual or that him and Doyle were to old to form a 3 man midfield in this division or any division for that matter.
Now is that bullying , fair criticism , fact or absolute rubbish. let the facts and figures decide but he has been a constant performer in a team that got relegated and failed to get promotion?
I like Doyle. More importantly IB likes Doyle. Like EVERY player in world football he has his limitations. I suspect if you asked every NL manager if they would want a Doyle in their side they would answer yes.
Doyle like all the players seems to have gone up a gear in the last few weeks and for me their is still life in the old dog yet.
My personal opinion is that IF we go up this season #mission would be achieved for Doyle and he would happily retire having helped get us back to where we feel we belong (as a minimum).
Finally, if Doyle had seen comments on here about him, he is long enough in the tooth to shrug it off. Someone like Ruben on the other hand would possibly struggle.