Williams 7 as he had a great fist half and saved a penalty which wasn't one in the first place.

Forster 4 even though he scored the only goal we got he just isnt a right back.

Hanlon 3 absolute murder he got bullied by Utd all night was pushed into the box for the penalty and was on the wrong side for the first goal.Rightly got substituted after his booking

Nelson 4 not his best game and part of a very
shaky defence.

Mcgivern 5 was probably our best defender on the night.

Harris 4 time for a seat on the bench lets hope whatmore is back soon.

Craig 4 what has happened to liam he was starting to score goals yet since receiving the captains arm band his game has went down the swanney.

Taiwo 6 had a fair game but his distibution was poor.

Stanton 6 again had a resonable game but was engulfed by a superor utd midfield in the second half once taiwo got his marching orders.

Stevenson 4 couldn't get past the full back and gave no distribution to Haynes

Haynes 6 tried but had absol