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Thread: Poor Commercial Management

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Poor Commercial Management

    I was disappointed with last nights attendance again, 20% of the crowd was from Norwich. Now I know i will get the lecture of lots of games together, holidays etc etc but after the cambridge crowd why didn't the club do something to try and fill the ground rather than increase prices.
    1. season ticket holders tickets a £5
    2. Season ticket holders bring a friend for £5
    3. Over adult tickets £7
    4. Kids under 14 £1
    5. parents bring 2 kids and get a £1 ticket to a later league game (restricted of course)

    The point being the etc atmosphere and people brings in more revenue via other items, it could lift the team to win, then we would have got an extra game.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    re: Poor Commercial Management

    Because in the cup Norwich have to agree to the ticket prices too and the higher costs were mainly down to them. Some people are too quick to beat up on the club.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    re: Poor Commercial Management

    Plus a larger attendance doesn't always mean more revenue if a large the entrance prices have been reduced heavily.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    re: Poor Commercial Management

    I thought prices were reasonable , some just can't afford it, some are just tight .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012

    re: Poor Commercial Management

    Is there anything you like about the club?

    Posts like this always make me laugh, it is assumed that a higher crowd will bring in more revenue but where from.

    From the refreshments - Nope, doesn't mater if there is 2000 or 8000 all the profits goes to the contractor
    From the club shop - Nope, maybe one or two will go in and look but most will just go straight to the ground and then their seat

    Then on top of that there is extra costs, more in the crowd means more stewarding, more police and more ambulance crews, personally I think that they got the price right, only my opinion

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    re: Poor Commercial Management

    Oh I am sorry for critising the club you are all correct there is noting they could do to get more people through the door, low crowds are what we want. Trouble is with the replies they are like criticism the poster but where are your ideas to improve areas like this and why when I or others have an opinion that you don't agree with are we wrong.
    As for the stupid comment about is there anything I like about the club, the myowser that is insulting. supported the club for over 40 years, and as a pairing CUSTOMER of a business I am entitled to a view.
    The only response to my original post that is worth it was the point about Norwich having to agree to the ticket prices, I didn't know that.
    I feel sorry for us as a business if having more clients costs us more money like myowzer perhaps we should aim for 1,000 clients then we will make more lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    re: Poor Commercial Management

    Derby 'we were down after the Wigan game' miller - a supporter for 40 years...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2012

    re: Poor Commercial Management

    It wasn't meant as an insult, it was a genuine question what do you like about the club? Trying to bring some positivity into the thread.

    I get the feeling I am copping the force of your frustrations because of the way other posters have responded to you.

    As you say you didn't know about Norwich having a say in the price, does that then mean that my comment re the costs incurred from a higher crowd or the refreshments is any less valid, you may not have known that the beer and food is contracted out, I used to think double the crown double the refreshments.

    I haven't at any point said that a low crowd means we make more money or that that would be a better solution, I am simply saying that knocking the price down doesn't necessarily mean a higher revenue and using examples to back it up.

    I also say it is my opinion, I am no more right than you

    Edit - BTW - I agree with you that a bigger crowd brings a better atmosphere and in turn helps the team

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    re: Poor Commercial Management

    the contractor depends on the contract, have you seen the contract? You may have I don't know. I would suspect at some point that there is a cluase in there that sets limits on the margins that can be made, and more likely we have a profit share contract or at least a renegoiation contract clause, if not my original clause sticks about poor commercial management. Higher crowds make us more money that is a fact, if not the club is being exceptionally badly run, and to be honest overall that doesn't look the case does it. My general point is surely we could use the cup games in some way to get more clients through the door, people that may not come to league games and therefore over time, increase revenue and profit. However if you all think no everything in the garden is rosey fine

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2012

    re: Poor Commercial Management

    I haven't seen the contract, I only know what was public knowledge as most do, my understanding is that the company buy the rights to refreshments over a set period of time, I could be wrong and that was only one small point of the post.

    My point was simply reducing prices might increase crowds, though not always, but it doesn't guarantee you more income, it's a fine line.

    If you reduce prices by £3 to £10 on a 7000 crowd you are £21k down, this means you have to then get a further £2000 through the gates in a 2nd round cup game on a Tuesday night in August just to claw £20 grand back, i'm not sure you'd get those numbers.

    You could decide that it's worth losing a little to get some new faces through the door but if people are prepared to pay £10 and but not £13 I can't see them likely to part with £23 for a league game.

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