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Thread: Women’s equality

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Women’s equality

    Has this Women’s equality gone over the top?
    There are a lot of jobs that women can’t do that men do and a lot of jobs that women do that men can’t.A few years ago I visited my son on board HMS ARK ROYAL just after they started letting women serve on board Royal Navy ships.He Was engine room chief and took me down there to look round,there were a few women down there as well as men so I asked him what he thought of women being allowed on war ships.He told me that a ships engine room has lots of heavy dirty jobs which women are unable to do so he has to put the lads on those and give the light jobs to the girls although they get paid the same and I am sure the same applies in other industries.OK so there are some women that are built like “Brick outhouses” but on the whole women are not as strong as men.I think if the job is too heavy for a woman then equality or not they should not be allowed to apply for it and leave it to the men.Also what about equality for men when it comes to fathers seeing their children after a breakdown in a marriage or relationship? I have two grandsons who I have not seen for years because their mother will not allow it and I can’t do anything about it and the law won’t help.Also when my wife married me in January 1961 She promised in church in front of the vicar that she would love honour and OBEY for as long as we both shall live,the obey bit flew out of the window before we had even left the church and was changed to me obeying her.And this happened to the vast majority of husbands.
    Now there is only me and my dog I can shout “What about “Equally for men” but there will be all the “Burn your bra brigade “shouting me down so for my healths sake I think I will remain quiet.And here I rest my case.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Bet you feel better after getting that off your bust Filey

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    You need to keep abreast of changing times Filey

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Fileytyke View Post
    Has this Women’s equality gone over the top?
    There are a lot of jobs that women can’t do that men do and a lot of jobs that women do that men can’t.A few years ago I visited my son on board HMS ARK ROYAL just after they started letting women serve on board Royal Navy ships.He Was engine room chief and took me down there to look round,there were a few women down there as well as men so I asked him what he thought of women being allowed on war ships.He told me that a ships engine room has lots of heavy dirty jobs which women are unable to do so he has to put the lads on those and give the light jobs to the girls although they get paid the same and I am sure the same applies in other industries.OK so there are some women that are built like “Brick outhouses” but on the whole women are not as strong as men.I think if the job is too heavy for a woman then equality or not they should not be allowed to apply for it and leave it to the men.Also what about equality for men when it comes to fathers seeing their children after a breakdown in a marriage or relationship? I have two grandsons who I have not seen for years because their mother will not allow it and I can’t do anything about it and the law won’t help.Also when my wife married me in January 1961 She promised in church in front of the vicar that she would love honour and OBEY for as long as we both shall live,the obey bit flew out of the window before we had even left the church and was changed to me obeying her.And this happened to the vast majority of husbands.
    Now there is only me and my dog I can shout “What about “Equally for men” but there will be all the “Burn your bra brigade “shouting me down so for my healths sake I think I will remain quiet.And here I rest my case.
    Totally agree. I think it boils down to the fact if I was baking a steaming turd. There'd be a woman out there somewhere that would want it. They want everything we have, when they get it they get bored and move onto something else. Women's only clubs, but if a man sets up a men only club thy're up in arms.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    The wo up in arms when the women's State Pension age was made the same as mens.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    How would you feel if the club appointed a female HC who had a credible record in the women's game , for example won the womens PL or coached England to a world cup final ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by animallittle3 View Post
    How would you feel if the club appointed a female HC who had a credible record in the women's game , for example won the womens PL or coached England to a world cup final ?
    Not much different we've been ran by fannies for years

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Your dog wears a bra ?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Wardy View Post

    Your dog wears a bra ?
    Prince Charles' new bitch wears wun. A saw strap at wedding through her top.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by animallittle3 View Post
    How would you feel if the club appointed a female HC who had a credible record in the women's game , for example won the womens PL or coached England to a world cup final ?
    Summat wunt be reyt darn at the FA.

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