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Thread: O/T Covid - 19 Second Wave .

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    O/T Covid - 19 Second Wave .

    I sense people are getting lured in to thinking this thing is on it's way out and we are getting back to normal .

    I've had two exchanges in shops in the last two days with two people not observing the two metre rule .

    As shops reopen , people go back to work and the footie back on I can see why some folk think we are getting back to normal .

    The death rate has fallen significantly , it's fallen significantly because nothing other than the essentials were open and people were on furlough and lockdown .

    I think it's worth pointing out that this thing is still amongst us , we have no vaccination as yet and the track and trace system doesn't work effectively .

    At some point in the new year one person in the UK contracted this virus and now we have officially 42k deaths and many more unofficially .

    We are going to be hit again , this things not done yet .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by animallittle3 View Post
    I sense people are getting lured in to thinking this thing is on it's way out and we are getting back to normal .

    I've had two exchanges in shops in the last two days with two people not observing the two metre rule .

    As shops reopen , people go back to work and the footie back on I can see why some folk think we are getting back to normal .

    The death rate has fallen significantly , it's fallen significantly because nothing other than the essentials were open and people were on furlough and lockdown .

    I think it's worth pointing out that this thing is still amongst us , we have no vaccination as yet and the track and trace system doesn't work effectively .

    At some point in the new year one person in the UK contracted this virus and now we have officially 42k deaths and many more unofficially .

    We are going to be hit again , this things not done yet .
    I’ve had similiar experiences to you.... MAINLY, I have to say with the older generation. They tend to think one or two ways..... “I’m fed up if this now and I’ve had enough” or “I’m invincible, I survived the war you know”.
    Won’t be giving up my mask just yet. And as for the pub..... No Chance. !

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I share your feelings Animal. I think things have been rushed to be honest.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Just to add to Animal's warning , I've been for another round of treatment at WP today , They told me the following , keep the 2 metre distance , to relax that would cause a massive increase in Severe illness or death , everyone is vulnerable , but those similar to me are at a very high risk of infection , Always wear a face mask when out , depending on the quality of the mask , only use once , same with rubber gloves do not try to wash any of the mentioned to re use , some masks have filters that must be thrown away after single use , always use a new filter ,
    Hope this helps , Take care and keep safe

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    I have full confidence in our governments judgement that it is safe to reduce the alert level to 3 and introduce further relaxations of the lockdown rules.

    After all they have followed the scientific advice (that has suited their political agenda) all the way through. Haven't they?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by EthelRed View Post
    I have full confidence in our governments judgement that it is safe to reduce the alert level to 3 and introduce further relaxations of the lockdown rules.

    After all they have followed the scientific advice (that has suited their political agenda) all the way through. Haven't they?
    Correct Eths.

    There are only 100+ deaths a day and 4000 new cases each day in all settings. Dildo Harding has the track and trace system at world leading proportions. Boris says we can cram all the kids back into school (bloody Unions !) and we can all be at 1m distance, all going back to work, many on public transport. Pubs/ cafes/ restaurants/ hotels to re-open before summer is over. Parties in ooams ivverywhere soon.

    What can go wrong ?

    (The "scientists" are still keeping their eeads darn as "the politicians" make the decisions)

    Daniel Rashford for PM.
    Last edited by SBRed48; 19-06-2020 at 02:26 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Well I think we all knew that the government protecting the economy and jobs couldn't last for too long .

    The money men in government and their donors were always going to win this debate .

    What we are heading towards is every man for himself because if we are hit with a second wave then I just cannot see the same measures reintroduced to protect our jobs and the economy , the pot is close to empty as it is .

    All you need to know is all around you , the roads are as busy again as they were pre pandemic , folk are getting sloppy with social distancing , company's and shops reopening and it's still very much with us as it was in March and April .

    We hang by a thread we really do and winter will be here before we know it .

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Theres a problem with leadership Animal and standard setting. No wonder the public have become complacent when you look at the behaviour of our leaders.

    We know about Cummings and Jenrick demonstrating that the restrictions don't apply to them. Then you have Hancock the Health Secretary who apparently is key to our strategy against Covid with his arm around a colleague in Parliament earlier this week. I wasn't impressed with Johnson arsing about with Macron yesterday either.

    The old saying say what you do and do what you say springs to mind.

    FFS act like leaders and set examples.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by EthelRed View Post
    Theres a problem with leadership Animal and standard setting. No wonder the public have become complacent when you look at the behaviour of our leaders.

    We know about Cummings and Jenrick demonstrating that the restrictions don't apply to them. Then you have Hancock the Health Secretary who apparently is key to our strategy against Covid with his arm around a colleague in Parliament earlier this week. I wasn't impressed with Johnson arsing about with Macron yesterday either.

    The old saying say what you do and do what you say springs to mind.

    FFS act like leaders and set examples.
    It's just about the worst collection of politicians it's possible to have when such a crisis hits you .

    That's actually not a statement because I'm anti tory either because as much as I despise the women we'd have had less than 10k deaths in this country if Thatcher were around today .

    We'd have lockdown two or three weeks sooner , no Cheltenham , no Champions League semi final no fecking nothing .

    And you would have been lockdown too , not this half in half out like we've experienced .

    Hated the woman economically but a crisis like this she'd have been on top of right from January .

    Not like this collection of weak feckless and incompetent feckers .

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Its 5 o clock and its the truth twisting announcement from our leaders.

    They've dropped the alert level on scientific advice and there's nobody there from the scientific community to answer questions.

    As you asked SB what can go wrong? It went wrong when these tossers won the election.

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