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Thread: Scapegoat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2021


    Why does out fan base insist on having a scapegoat who what ever happens seems to get blamed when things do not go right ? Its Williams spot at the moment , before that it was Kane & recent history suggests that Woodrow also wore the crown , take last night for example , their goal was another defensive howler but when you watch it 3 or 4 players could have dealt with it plus it was an own goal but if you go on social media it was all down to Williams again & twitter coupled with facebook do not just criticise players they slaughter them with some real nasty stuff , its way over the top . In my book if a player is having a lean spell then it is frustrating to watch but I would never think to go on a social media platform and insult them but its as if the struggling player becomes a target & no matter what happens he gets it , to be honest I detest it , it is like a form of bullying & our fans always have to have one, when they have done with Williams they will move on to another.

  2. #2
    It's not on Shads. Williams has responsibility with the captaincy so maybe people think it's ok to blame the boss. I think the ball was lost in the midfield first if all and , as you rightly say we had plenty of defenders to clear the cross. Unfair to single out Williams for it. Bur as I've said before, he shouldn't be playing in that position anyway.

  3. #3
    Constructive criticism is fine but players shouldn't be slaughtered or get personal abuse. After all, fans are supposed to be supporters providing support for the team. Where does spouting bile about players get anyone; the supporters, the team in general?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I think most fans have their favourites and players they don’t like.
    It’s just part of watching football.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Arblasterfromthepast View Post
    Constructive criticism is fine but players shouldn't be slaughtered or get personal abuse. After all, fans are supposed to be supporters providing support for the team. Where does spouting bile about players get anyone; the supporters, the team in general?
    I agree with what you say Arba , a part of me thinks that some of the abuse dished out on social media is from idiots who have nothing better to do and not from genuine supporters , you only have to look at the time some of this bile is posted to work things out but go and have a look at the BBS sometimes & read back through a match thread & some of the reactionary comments made during a game are unbelievable , why not wait until after a match has concluded & the reflect back over the game before you start commenting but what ever anyone thinks of an individual performance then by all means criticise if you want but being abusive & insultive is bang out of order.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I was one of Jordan williams biggest fans. I think he’s been deopped a bum deal this season. Too much to deal with, new defence, with him being the only survivor really in the central area. Id never resort to insults or abuse, even though his oerformances havent been anywhere near what he can do. Unfortunately, he will probably leave here in the summer, and the last months will have been hell. A shame he will remember his time here for that, They did him no service personally at all asking him to be Captain, AND play in a role he isnt suited to. Which hasnt helled the team either.
    He is still only young. Experienced but young….. some young lads can carry it, some need to just look at their own jobs to excel.
    No one can criticise him for his effort, or will to suceed.

    I’d rather see 11 of him, young and willing to run, making mistakes, than journeymen old beggers going through the motions to prolong their careers and stealing a wage.

    One thing about his performances really annoys me is his “first thought” this season….. “look back, and sideways first “…….. but he is being told to play this way i suspect.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Collins has a squad now that enables him to play 3 big guys Gevigney, Earl and McCart at the back with Pines on the bench for now, and then move Williams back to his best role right wing back.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Young_Nudger View Post
    I think most fans have their favourites and players they don’t like.
    It’s just part of watching football.
    I agree but no one should be insulted & abused or scapegoated but some of our so called fans seem to revel in it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Did you know the concept of a scapegoat has Biblical origins. A goat is identified to be sent into the wilderness to take with it all the sins, transgressions and impurities of the community that remained.

    Source --Book of Leviticus 16 v 21to 22.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2024
    Yep he definitely seems to have taken the “scapegoat mantle” at the minute. I saw comments last night blaming him for their goal and I could think of a few who were more at fault personally.

    I like Williams and he was excellent last season at right wing back. He’s clearly not the most physical player ever but he’s filling in at right centre back to help us with some pace. Hopefully we will soon a centre back combination of 3 from De Gevigney, Earl, Pines and McCart with Williams at right wing back.

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