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Thread: Kompany is not an Manager of people/players or is he a bigt time charlie

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Kompany is not an Manager of people/players or is he a bigt time charlie

    I have watched recent games, us SU and Luton. It is clear that SU and Luton are making sure their opponents know they have been in a game. SU were a little unfortunate to lose their game and Luton are giving it everything to stay in the Prem. But BFC are a complete bunch of cowards = I do wish the powers that be look at the comments that are being made by supporters the players are scared of putting in a challenge and are lily livered. As for VK his management of Trafford is disgraceful it will just completely wreck this boy's career, even if he left or sold it will take ages for him to recover and every mistake he makes elsewhere will raise the issues he has had this season. VK's decision to drop or let go all of our championship side for a new squad that had not played together starting this season must be the biggest blunder and worst blunder that could be made. All those who were part of the championship must have thought that they would be playing the first few games and see how they would go on. For VK to do what he has done must have soured the dressing room and now he is going to ask some of them players to pull the club out of the mire. Well good luck to that. I have said it before but VK is not a manager of people and he must be a very cold and arrogant if he thinks that he can treat a player well in one moment and then completely ignore that player the next moment and then think there are no consequences. VK's attitude towards those player he has simply discarded is disgraceful and it is no wonder the players are not putting it in for him. I dont want us to be a sacking club but at present the directors have got to assess what is going on and decide wheter or not a chage is needed.

  2. #2
    Muric, Cullen, Rodriguez, Cork, Taylor, Zaroury, Benson, Ekdal, Al-Dakhil & Co must wonder what on earth they have done to upset the gaffer.

    The golden rule for footy managers is to let the players who won you promotion is to give them their chance in the new division.

    Replacing them with untried kids is not really a proven recipe for success. Is it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I think the supporters would have been more understanding had he given the promotion winning team a chance. After all, they got us promoted. Two or three additions to strengthen - yes, but not a nearly new squad.

    Cullen, for example, may not be a Declan Rice, but he worked hard when he came on at Palarse - making himself available, looking to receive the ball, tackling and tracking back. Yet he warms the bench!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I think our supporters have been extremely understanding and supportive of Kompany

    If this was anyother premier league club the fan base would be going mental after seeing what we have had to endure this season, ours have been extremely mute.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    From what I can gather, a lot of them are going mental. Most of them could also do a better job , than what we are witnessing right now.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by The Bedlington Terrier View Post
    Muric, Cullen, Rodriguez, Cork, Taylor, Zaroury, Benson, Ekdal, Al-Dakhil & Co must wonder what on earth they have done to upset the gaffer.

    The golden rule for footy managers is to let the players who won you promotion is to give them their chance in the new division.

    Replacing them with untried kids is not really a proven recipe for success. Is it?
    Muric - no argument
    Cullen - played early doors and couldn’t cope physically in the air and in general

    Rodriguez - was never going to be a starter though has featured - however a squad member in my eyes.
    Cork - hasn’t featured but I think if we’re honest and Jack was aswell he’d thought he’d sub at best.

    Taylor - has played most games / injury

    Zaroury - had played and had opportunities plus I have on authority he’s a bad egg - doesn’t turn up for training - is late all the time

    Benson - featured against Villa and refused to track back and was pulled at half time as left us exposed a lot ( it’s a two way game in premiership forward and back wards.). Imo also injury prone and can’t deal with physicality or the pace of the game.

    Al Dakhil - played a lot early doors and his physical attributes weren’t enough - made bad decisions and it cost us a lot of times.

    Ekdal injury prone - struggled with pace of game when he came back - honest footballer but needs an experienced head at side of him if we want to persist.

    The point made by Lancaster is fair to a point but if you read the above maybe not as much as you’d think - players did play but it was an obvious that we couldn’t compete so signings we’re needed - I’m not saying they got it right but we’d still be having the same conversations if we’d stuck with the championship team minus Tella - maatsen and harwood bellis.

    Let’s not forget all these players earn a lot of money and it’s a job - are we saying that when I / BT - Lancaster played teams we played for never signed players in our positions and we were constantly automatic picks because I / we played well last season - I don’t think so and that simply isn’t how it works.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by army88 View Post
    Muric - no argument
    Cullen - played early doors and couldn’t cope physically in the air and in general

    Rodriguez - was never going to be a starter though has featured - however a squad member in my eyes.
    Cork - hasn’t featured but I think if we’re honest and Jack was aswell he’d thought he’d sub at best.

    Taylor - has played most games / injury

    Zaroury - had played and had opportunities plus I have on authority he’s a bad egg - doesn’t turn up for training - is late all the time

    Benson - featured against Villa and refused to track back and was pulled at half time as left us exposed a lot ( it’s a two way game in premiership forward and back wards.). Imo also injury prone and can’t deal with physicality or the pace of the game.

    Al Dakhil - played a lot early doors and his physical attributes weren’t enough - made bad decisions and it cost us a lot of times.

    Ekdal injury prone - struggled with pace of game when he came back - honest footballer but needs an experienced head at side of him if we want to persist.

    The point made by Lancaster is fair to a point but if you read the above maybe not as much as you’d think - players did play but it was an obvious that we couldn’t compete so signings we’re needed - I’m not saying they got it right but we’d still be having the same conversations if we’d stuck with the championship team minus Tella - maatsen and harwood bellis.

    Let’s not forget all these players earn a lot of money and it’s a job - are we saying that when I / BT - Lancaster played teams we played for never signed players in our positions and we were constantly automatic picks because I / we played well last season - I don’t think so and that simply isn’t how it works.
    Very subjective is this one army88.

    Cullen, Jay Rod, Cork & Taylor have hundreds of games under their collective belts, three of them capped at full international level.

    Rodriguez has proved time & time again he knows where the net is.

    Zaroury, Benson, Ekdal and Al-Dakhil are young men who need nurturing & coaching to get the very best out of them.

    Kompany is clueless, SD could make a silk purse out of a pig's ear, Kompany does not even stand by the players he himself brought in.

    Terrier Taxis is on standby. All they need to do is ask. Gratis.

    Attachment 25776

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2023
    As I have said before a lot of our new arrivals and others should have been put on the weights when they arrived. I don't know if VK carries grudges but it looks like it. Some of the signings last summer were never going to be EPL players. No idea who made the mistakes. Several members have pointed out that it was obvious we needed an experienced CB, a dynamic midfielder, and a striker. Why this was not obvious to
    VK and co I have no idea. Was CB a good choice for assistant, I don't think so, no experience. a bit of a hot head as a player. Have lessons been learned, who knows? Financials a mystery. imo you can't build a team around promising youngsters who are going to be sold.
    Who will leave? Jay, jack, Gudmundson,Ekdal,Larsen, Taylor,Delecroix, Cullen,Berge, Weghorst, Zaroury. IF i were Benson, Amdouni, or Foster I
    would look to be out.
    How many of the squad can we honestly say have improved over the season?
    Last edited by Tap in MN; 27-02-2024 at 03:09 AM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Tap in MN View Post
    How many of the squad can we honestly say have improved over the season?
    Maybe Odabert but that is it in my humble opinion.Even he is beginning to look disinterested and disullusioned with the weekly pastings we are receiving.
    All the rest are mercenaries and dont get me started on our £20m keeper.Moreover VK has lost one of the qualities which was the reason for bringing him to the club-his pulling power.What player in their right mind would want to come to BFC with Kompany after witnessing the dross we are subjected to every weekend.
    Last edited by ClaretinBudapest; 27-02-2024 at 07:43 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Tap in MN View Post
    As I have said before a lot of our new arrivals and others should have been put on the weights when they arrived. I don't know if VK carries grudges but it looks like it. Some of the signings last summer were never going to be EPL players. No idea who made the mistakes. Several members have pointed out that it was obvious we needed an experienced CB, a dynamic midfielder, and a striker. Why this was not obvious to
    VK and co I have no idea. Was CB a good choice for assistant, I don't think so, no experience. a bit of a hot head as a player. Have lessons been learned, who knows? Financials a mystery. imo you can't build a team around promising youngsters who are going to be sold.
    Who will leave? Jay, jack, Gudmundson,Ekdal,Larsen, Taylor,Delecroix, Cullen,Berge, Weghorst, Zaroury. IF i were Benson, Amdouni, or Foster I
    would look to be out.
    How many of the squad can we honestly say have improved over the season?
    Well I’d hope we’d retain some and they’d have loyalty to us as we have enhanced their careers

    Examples being Koleosho out injured but looked after
    Foster - where do I start - he owes BFC
    Trafford - has had opportunity and protection imo

    As for improvement I’d say Trafford - koleosho - Odebert
    Amdouni is interesting as I think with a settled forward who looked after the ball and was big and strong - he could have really excelled- however he spent/ spends a lot of his time helping a weak midfield and had no stable partner.

    Weghorst- we should have kept ( even though the moaners on here have him down as evil for trying to keep his career on track ).

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