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Thread: Customer Service

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Customer Service

    It’s never been great in the UK but recently I think they’ve just given up altogether. I’ve had the misfortune to deal with a number of companies lately and not one single person I’ve spoke to, gives a shiny sh1t about any of it.
    HMRC don’t even give you the option of being put on hold now, they just put you through an automated service for 20mins, then hang up.
    Every single time I call it’s ‘we’re experiencing higher volume of calls than normal’ NO YOU’RE F*CKING NOT YOU CAAANTS

    The absolute worst though are O2 & I don’t even have an account with the clowns. Unsurprisingly, I can’t pass the security on the account I never set up, so O2 can’t help me. They can however, trash my credit rating & put debt recovery agencies on to me. When I point out this is possibly a tad unfair, they offer apologies then hang up.

    Please, if any of you are on O2, switch to anyone else. You’ll thank me later. You do not want to be hearing that F*CKING SH1TEY JAZZ TUNE ON HOLD

    Anyway, hope you all have a lovely weekend

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Jeez, I was with them when they were BT Cellnet half a lifetime ago. I think i was with them in their O2 guise, but I left due to similar standards of service.
    As a general concept, you're spot on.
    Customer service has been a steady race to the bottom.
    The ethos seems to be "if a'body's sh1te, it winna make any odds".

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2024
    Similar story. Had mobile with BTCellnet many moons ago, cancelled due to crap service and stopped d/d
    Paid final bill via cheque (remember them?)
    They chased me for months despite cashing the cheque and IIRC it showed up at time of my first mortgage application.

    O2 or someone purporting to be O2 are still my most regular spam callers

    Re service - just had first rate from Sky! Shocked me.
    But don’t get me started on tradesfolk not answering their phone/messages

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Never had an issue with Plusnet. You can speak to a flesh and bone humanoid, and there’s never a queue or any of that ‘select an option’ nonsense. Problems solved immediately. Orange/EE were prix though, as are BT, Santander, and most other capitalists who go for the cheap “service” option.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by 57vintage View Post
    Never had an issue with Plusnet. You can speak to a flesh and bone humanoid, and there’s never a queue or any of that ‘select an option’ nonsense. Problems solved immediately. Orange/EE were prix though, as are BT, Santander, and most other capitalists who go for the cheap “service” option.
    Plusnet, I agree, are excellent but alas owned by BT, I believe.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Barclays, Talk Talk, Sky and Scottish Power were the worst for me.

    Barclays was through being Power of Attorney for the in laws. I don't think words exist to sum up how bad they were.

    Scottish Power goes back to the 90s, when they were forging customer signatures to claim you were a new customer. They eventually got fined a lot of money for it, as widespread at the time, but what a nightmare.

    We then moved into a house where the previous tenants did a moonlight flit and they took us to court over the unpaid account of the previous tenant. They made a right c**t of themselves in the process and had to pay us compensation in the end.

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