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Thread: Wes Thomas

  1. #41
    I don't blame him at all.

    And Ardley said exactly what i would want to hear from the manager.

    However, i think the decision will hurt Wes in the long run. When this covid thing started i worked on a team that did tech support for key workers. It was voluntary and the management expressed the same sentiment as Ardley has. But the situation definitely created a bond between those who choose to volunteer, and it definitely changed managements attitude toward those who volunteered. I suspect the same will happen with Wes. He'll find himself on the outside of something that, for the benefit of his career, he really needed to be on the inside of. If you see what i mean. It's not about blame or resentment, it's just that people can't help but be influenced by the decisions that others make.

    I think we'll be waving goodbye to Wes at the earliest available opportunity while wishing him all the best and thanking him for his service.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by legs77 View Post
    Jimmy Sirrel never managed during a pandemic did he so we dont know how he would react.
    We know football always came first with Jimmy, ask Les Bradd.

  3. #43
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by upthemaggies View Post
    We know football always came first with Jimmy, ask Les Bradd.
    People always say things like that.

    The reality is this is a world pandemic and its very real.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    In my opinion he's been shielding since we signed him. Not worth a light.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by upthemaggies View Post
    If Jimmy Sirrel were manager now I dare say Thomas would not have been treated so sympathetically. Personally I'm not going to judge people who feel the need to go into hiding but I'm not going to condemn people who refuse to join in with the mass hysteria either.
    I just wonder if the billions that has been spent on encouraging or forcing perfectly healthy people at negligible risk to stay at home could have been put to better use helping the genuinely vulnerable.

    As for cancelling the season, maybe people here wouldn't be so keen if we were neck and neck with Torquay.
    Please would you define negligible risk?

    Do you mean catching it or being seriously ill?

    Where do you think those who have died from it (I assume you are not one who denies Covid kills) caught it from? The answer is probably from those you think are at negligible risk.

    I am seriously concerned that there are those who still believe it's all a hoax when you see people like the NHS chief and Army brigadier addressing the nation.

    Right, just off to offer my condolences to my friend whose dad died this morning from Covid. This is real!

  6. #46
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    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by magpie_mania View Post
    Please would you define negligible risk?

    Do you mean catching it or being seriously ill?

    Where do you think those who have died from it (I assume you are not one who denies Covid kills) caught it from? The answer is probably from those you think are at negligible risk.

    I am seriously concerned that there are those who still believe it's all a hoax when you see people like the NHS chief and Army brigadier addressing the nation.

    Right, just off to offer my condolences to my friend whose dad died this morning from Covid. This is real!
    I just don't care to be honest. If somebody wants to be frightened, worried and scared of Covid, that's their business.
    Like anything else, it's as real as you want to make it. What matters to you is your trip. Bad luck if you get taken out by it or lose somebody close, but that's life and I've been through enough grief in my time to know the deal. Dying of Covid or losing somebody to Covid doesn't make you any more significant than anybody who's suffered death by any other means. I'm not impressed by this virus, I don't respect it, I won't worship it, I won't fear it.
    Break the rules or hide away worrying about it, have the vaccine or don't have the vaccine. I don't care.

  7. #47
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    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by upthemaggies View Post
    I just don't care to be honest. If somebody wants to be frightened, worried and scared of Covid, that's their business.
    Like anything else, it's as real as you want to make it. What matters to you is your trip. Bad luck if you get taken out by it or lose somebody close, but that's life and I've been through enough grief in my time to know the deal. Dying of Covid or losing somebody to Covid doesn't make you any more significant than anybody who's suffered death by any other means. I'm not impressed by this virus, I don't respect it, I won't worship it, I won't fear it.
    Break the rules or hide away worrying about it, have the vaccine or don't have the vaccine. I don't care.
    It's not about being scared though is it? Who said anything about it being more significant? That is what you have made up.

    The words 'I don't care' were the first ones I heard Dominic Cummings say.

    It's about responsibility to everyone else.

  8. #48
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    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by magpie_mania View Post
    It's not about being scared though is it? Who said anything about it being more significant? That is what you have made up.

    The words 'I don't care' were the first ones I heard Dominic Cummings say.

    It's about responsibility to everyone else.

    Not everybody agrees on what is the responsible course of action and not everybody accepts that responsibility.

  9. #49
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    Mar 2003
    What does Covid virus have to do to impress? It's made quite the statement worldwide to be fully respected.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by upthemaggies View Post
    I just don't care to be honest. If somebody wants to be frightened, worried and scared of Covid, that's their business.
    Like anything else, it's as real as you want to make it. What matters to you is your trip. Bad luck if you get taken out by it or lose somebody close, but that's life and I've been through enough grief in my time to know the deal. Dying of Covid or losing somebody to Covid doesn't make you any more significant than anybody who's suffered death by any other means. I'm not impressed by this virus, I don't respect it, I won't worship it, I won't fear it.
    Break the rules or hide away worrying about it, have the vaccine or don't have the vaccine. I don't care.
    Probably the weirdest post I’ve ever read on here. And it’s quite a high bar.

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